Field Guide: InforMed Law Enforcement, 3rd Edition


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The six-color Law Enforcement Field Guide, measuring only 3" x 5", easily fits in a shirt pocket and is waterproof, alcohol-fast, and durable.

* Patrol / Tactics / Incident Command Guides
* Terrorism Response / WMD
*Hazardous Materials Identification
*Clandestine Drug Labs
*New, Expanded DUI / Drug Impairment
*High-Risk Traffic Stops
*EMS / First Aid
*Officer Safety / Use of Force
*Vehicle Pursuit
*Crime Scene / Homicide
*Active Shooter Response
*Spanish Commands
*DNA Evidence
*Suspicious Packages / Bombs
*Critical Incident Guides
*K-9 EMS / Hostage
*Mental Status Evaluation
*3"x5" / Waterproof and Alcohol-Fast

This guide is an essential tool for every law enforcement, security and corrections professional. 

Weight: 2.88